Aetna H7172 001: Medicare Advantage Plan & Benefits


The H7172 001 plan, also known as Aetna Better Health of Ohio, has many services for your health. It basically includes more services than regular Medicare and allows you to get those services more cheaply. Monthly premiums, services, and coverage for this plan, which includes Part C services, also vary. However, it ensures that you are always insured for emergencies, essential services or routine checks. In this way, you will be protected in important health-related matters with Aetna Medicare.

MyCare Ohio Aetna H7172 001 Medicare Advantage Plan Overview

Plan H7172 001 by Aetna Medicare is a plan known as Aetna Better Health of Ohio and MyCare Ohio (Medicare-Medicaid). This plan, prepared in 2023, is of the MMP type. The premium for parts C and D is $0 per month. You also don’t pay anything for part D, including additional premiums. This plan, which has gap coverage, does not take any action below regional benchmarks. The Medicare health type is in the advanced alternative and the drug benefit type is in the enhanced category.

Aetna H7172 001 Plan Summary of Benefits

H7172 001 summary of benefits are many. The benefit information provided shows how much you will or will not pay for certain events. The sections where the plan generally provides financial protection are included in the summary of benefits section. This section may also be different for in-network and out-of-network providers, and if there is a difference it will be noted. In the H7172 001 plan, wellness programs are disabled. However, there are annual routine eye, dental and ear examinations. These examinations are completely free.

The benefits in the field of vision, hearing and speech are numerous. If you need glasses, frames, lenses, or a full pair of glasses, the co-pay is $0. Dental cleanings, fluoride treatments, oral exams, and dental x-rays are covered by preventive dental insurance and have a $0 co-pay. Fitting/evaluation, hearing examination, hearing aids and parts are also $0 in the hearing department. You can also benefit from comprehensive dental insurance if you need it. Thus, you have the right to benefit from many comprehensive dental procedures, such as endodontics, diagnostic services, extractions, other non-routine services, periodontology, etc., free of charge.

When you choose this program from Aetna, you do not have to pay for emergencies and maintenance. Diagnostic procedures, such as diagnostic procedures and laboratory services, are free with permission. Additionally, your primary and specialist physician visits are free. When you want to be examined by specialist physicians, you do not need to get a referral from your primary care doctor. You do not pay any money if you receive inpatient or outpatient treatment. Co-pays for services such as preventive care, ground ambulance, and skilled nursing facilities are also set at $0.

What is Aetna H7172 001 Plan?

If you want to benefit from health services at more affordable prices, you can choose the Aetna H7172 Medicare Plan. This plan basically covers Medicare parts A, B, C, and D. It is a health insurance designed for Ohio residents. It includes the prescription drug section i.e. part D. If you get sick and need costly care, you’ll be charged up to the plan’s maximum limit. Your subsequent services become free to avoid any further expenses. This prevents you from exceeding the maximum amount, allowing you to obtain costly services more affordably.

The MyCare Ohio Plan has the ability to provide Part A and B benefits. Aetna and Medicare work together to provide more comprehensive service. If you sign up for this plan, you will get more benefits than Part A and Part B. You also have the right to benefit from all the services Aetna offers you, in addition to regular care in the nursing home. However, there are no restrictions on the services you receive from original Medicare. For Part B, you pay your premiums according to the insurance you will receive.

H7172 001 Plan Part-D Deductible and Premium

You’ll be charged an annual deductible before paying into your plan. This deductible is a fee you pay out of your own pocket for your prescription drugs. Medicare – Medicaid’s monthly drug premium is $0, and you also get a $0 deductible on medications. The Ohio plan offers a Part D Basic Premium, which is above average when considered regionally. This plan does not have advanced drug benefits as it covers the basic prescription plan.

The additional premium is $0. The Premium section has all the advanced plan advantages. It goes beyond standard PDP benefits. There may be extra coverage and lower co-payments in the gap. May also have non-part D drug coverage. Part D total premium is $0, but since it is not the same for every plan, the fee may increase or decrease.

Aetna H7172 001 Formulary and Drug Coverage

The H7172 plan varies and is divided into tiers based on drug costs. Each layer covers different drug formulations. There is also a defined co-pay that you must pay for medications. Lower tiers often include more affordable medications. Additionally, these prices may be different for preferred and non-preferred pharmacies. If you have medications that you use regularly, it may be more logical to choose a formula that puts your medications in lower levels. There are 3 tiers for the Aetna H7172 plan. There is no co-payment for preferred pharmacies in all three levels. At non-preferred pharmacies, the co-pay is $0, and this applies to all tiers.

How Much Does Aetna H7172 Plan?

The amount you pay for coverage is called the monthly premium. For this plan, Aetna Ohio charges you $0 combined premium. The Part C premium includes Medicare medical benefits, hospital benefits, and additional benefits if offered. However, as with original Medicare, you are responsible for paying the Part B premium. This way, you get services that are a little more expensive than with original Medicare, but you get a discount on many services included in the plan that are normally paid.

You can benefit from many services free of charge, except for compulsory health services. Additionally, your payment amounts vary depending on your expenses. Therefore, you do not pay the same amount every month. Even if you make too many hospital visits, you cannot exceed the specified maximum amount.

 H7172 001 Some Coverage

There are not many services in some coverage section of the H7172-001 plan. However, you cannot always benefit from services that are within the scope of partial coverage. If you have a special condition and illness, you can use services with partial or some coverage. For this, doctor’s guidance is needed. Additionally, when benefiting from services, you must first contact your healthcare representative. If your health representative approves, you can use any of the services within the partial coverage area. Pricing may vary from discounted to free.

Partially covered services under this plan include acupuncture, transportation services, over-the-counter medications (OTC), and short-term meals. Additionally, fitness is partially covered, even if it is not included in your own program. Health education and smoking and tobacco cessation counseling sessions are also available in this area. Additionally, remote access technologies such as nursing helpline, web or phone-based technologies are also included in the scope part. Since you cannot always use these services, it would be better to contact your healthcare representative or customer services first.

Aetna Medicare Contact Information

If you would like to contact Aetna, you can call Aetna. The phone number you should call for TTY 711 is 1-877-486-2048. If you’re not yet on a plan, you can call 1-800-633-4227 to learn about all the benefits. You can also access a lot of Medicare-related information quickly and reliably when you contact your local Ohio provider. You can send an e-mail to Aetna, create a call request on the website, or visit the office to get information about the plans.

You can change your plan or start a new plan using the contact information. If you want, you can ask questions about your own plan. You can also contact customer service to solve your problems regarding website membership or login problems. You can also call Aetna on the contact number whenever you want to find the health planner closest to you. The lines are active between 8 am and 8 pm.

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